Step by Step :Install Kannel SMS Gateway using Red-hat Part1 : prepare Red-hat before Install Kannel

in this lesson we will show you hoe to install kannel SMS Gateway on Red-hat Enterprise Linux : 
Kannel is an open source WAP gateway. It attempts to provide this essential part of the WAP infrastructure freely to everyone so that the market potential for WAP services, both from wireless operators and specialized service providers, will be realized as efficiently as possible.


  1. C compiler and development libraries and related tools
  2. The gnome-xml (a.k.a. libxml) library, version 2.2.0 or newer. We recommend that you use libxml version 2.2.5. If you are installing it from your distribution's packages, you'll need libxml2-dev in addition to run-time libxml2 package libraries.
    Note: there is a bug in libxml version 2.2.3 and 2.2.4 that causes problems with character encoding in attributes. This problem is fixed in 2.2.5. 
  3. GNU Make.
  4. POSIX threads (pthread.h).
  5. GNU Bison 1.28 if you modify the WMLScript compiler.
  6. DocBook markup language tools (jade, jadetex, DocBook style-sheets, etc;

Prepare Red-hat

1 - Install Apache Server :-
  • type : yum install httpd
2 - install web server:-
  • sudo yum groupinstall -y "web server"
3 - Install MySQL Server:
  • sudo yum groupinstall -y "MySQL Database server"
4 - Install Php Support:-
  • sudo yum groupinstall -y "PHP Support"
5 - Install Development Tools:-
  • sudo yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
6 - install php-mysql , mysql-devel.i686 , libxml2-devel
  • sudo yum  install php-mysql , mysql-devel.i686 , libxml2-devel
whatch this video to have more deatils :


  1. A Bulk sms gateway is an interactive platform which acts as the backbone for the proper and efficient functioning of bulk messaging services.


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