Installing Kannel SMS Gateway Part 2

this lesson show you how to installing Kannel SMS Gateway after Preparing Red-hat

  1. download Kannel sms Getway from this link
  2. Extract the source file  tar-xvzf gateway-1.4.4.tar.gz   ( replace the name with verion you downloaded)
  3. after Extract go to source folder.
Install Kannel

  1. now install kannel using this command :-./configure --prefix=/usr/local/kannel --with-mysql --with-mysql-dir=/usr/bin/mysql/ --enable-debug --enable-assertions --with-defaults=speed--disable-localtime --enable-start-stop-daemon --enable-pam
  2. type : touch .depend
  3. type: make depend
  4. type: make
  5. type : sudo make bindir=usr/local/kannel install
Install SQLBOX
  1. now try to access the addons folder on the source folder  then go to Sqlbox folder .
  2. type : ./bootstrap
  3. type: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/kannel --with-kannel-dir=/usr/local/kannel
  4. type : make
  5. sudo make bindir=/usr/local/kannel/sqlbox install
  6. sudo !!
Install smppbox
  1. now try to access the Sqlbox folder on the source folder  then go to opensmppbox folder 
  2. type: ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/kannel --with-kannel-dir=/usr/local/kannel
  3. type: make
  4. type: sudo make bindir=/usr/local/kannel/smppbox install
  5. Create directory for kannel.conf file by type : sudo mkdir /etc/kannel
  6. Create Log directory : sudo mkdir /var/log/kannel
  7. give log folder permission 755 : sudo chmod 755 /var/log/kannel

you can watch the video from here  to see all details 
